
My path to massage mastery began in a setting far from the tranquil confines of a spa. It was in the bustling realm of physical therapy, at an orthopedic rehabilitation center. Here, under the mentorship of Dr. Ed Reynolds - a revered figure in chiropractic and rehabilitation who was trusted by the likes of Wayne Gretzky and the early 1990s Los Angeles Kings - I uncovered the special talent I had in my hands. This wasn't just any clinic; it was a place where I saw a range of conditions, from bulged discs to complex regional pain syndrome, shaping my approach to massage with a scientific precision and artistic flair.

Philosophy and Approach

I've always believed massage is an art more than anything else, but my passion for learning all I can about the body's pain system is what has helped my art evolve and deepen. This continuous learning journey has allowed me to integrate scientific knowledge with the intuitive aspects of massage therapy, creating a more effective and holistic approach to each session. My philosophy leans on the intricate understanding of pain science, echoing the insights of experts like Paul Ingraham, Dr. John Quintner, and Dr. Lorimer Moseley. Yet, it's the dance – a lifelong passion – that truly defines my approach. Movement and rhythm are essential to my methodology, allowing me to bring a unique dynamic to each session.

My Promise and Thanks

From the dynamic environment of a high-stakes clinic to my current role as the lead therapist at the renowned Surf and Sand Resort in Laguna Beach, and even within the intimate setting of in-home massages, my ambition remains steadfast - to be the highlight of your day. Whether it is a CEO needing a break from the boardroom battles, a mom juggling an overwhelming number of tasks, or someone who just wants to feel a bit more 'human' again, I'm here for you.

Thank you for considering me as your therapist. I look forward to the opportunity to craft a massage experience that's as unique as you are.

Warm regards,